Cardio Metabolic Assessment is a unique diagnostic tool to assist physicians & medical professionals diagnose & manage cardiovascular & metabolic disorders. The technology has been established over the last 16 years with significant technological enhancements to bring multiple technologies integrated into one single medical device.
The Cardio Metabolic Assessment study is a simple 7-8 minute test that can be administered by virtually any staff member. The study includes a comprehensive assessment of the following items:
Diabetes Management
- Insulin Resistance
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Nerve Density in feet
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Autonomic Neuropathies
- Postural Tachycardia (palpitations on postural change)
- Orthostatic Hypotension (dizziness or syncope)
- Cardiac Neuropathy (CAN increases mortality risk 4x-5x)
Cardiovascular Assessment
- Stroke Volume
- Systemic Vascular Resistance
- Cardiac Output
- Arterial Stiffness
- Endothelial Function
- Inflammation
- Micro Vascular Marker
- Macro Vascular Marker
- Heart Rate Analysis
- Blood Pressure Management
- Beat by Beat Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Peripheral Vascular Assessment
- Lower level arterial assessment (ABI)
- Peripheral Augmentation Index
- Peripheral Arterial Stiffness
- Micro vascular flow in the feet
- Differentiate cause of leg & foot discomfort
- Identify underlying cause of microvascular dysfunction (feet)
- Identify underlying cause of peripheral neuropathy
Clinical Applications / Indications of Use:
- Patents diagnosed with diabetes
- Patients with signs or symptoms of microvascular dysfunction in feet
- Patients with discoloration in legs or feet
- Patients with pain in feet
- Patients with numbness in hands or feet (suggesting neuropathy)
- Patients with pain in legs / peripheral system
- Patients with symptoms of dizziness / syncope (vasopressor syncope / orthostatic hypotension)
- Patients with palpitations / tachycardia on postural change
- Patients with well established neuropathy to assess distribution & severity of neuropathy
- Assess cardio metabolic risk factors such cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN)
- Identify underlying cause of various symptoms to determine treatment options
- Additional testing to monitor patient response to pharmacological agents
- Additional testing to monitor disease progression
Billing & Reimbursement Codes:
- CPT Code 95921 – Parasympathetic Code
- CPT Code 95923 – Sudomotor response
- CPT Code 93922 – Lower level arterial assessment (ABI)
For more billing details, visit Billing & Reimbursement.
Cardio Metabolic Assessment Systems:
- Sudomotor / Cardiovascular Assessment
- ANS + Sudomotor + Cardiovascular Assessment – DEMO UNIT AVAILABLE FOR SALE !!
- ANS + Sudomotor + ABI + Cardiovascular Assessment
For an online demonstration of our technologies, click our videos below:
- Cardio Metabolic Assessment (ANS + Sudomotor + Cardiovascular Assessment)
- Cardio Metabolic & Peripheral Flow Assessment (ANS + Sudo + ABI + Cardiovascular Assessment)
For more information, please email